Hi there and Welcome to the first Monthly Blog Hop hosted by Daisy Collins of
www.tsunamirosedesigns.blogspot.com I Love Sketches by Tsunami Rose. We have a great line-up just waiting for you! Each Blogger was given the sketches ahead of time to create a one-of-a-kind card to share with you! This is a 2 day hop that will feature a different card sketch for day 2 so PLEASE be sure to join us again tomorrow for the second half of the Blog Hop!
Before we get started I would like to first thank our sponsors for this hop! A BIG THANKS to...
1- Martha Pineda from Creating Is Fun -
http://creatingisfun.blogspot.com She is offering $10 Gift Certificate to her shop! She has some really good stuff, ladies!!
2- Tricia Colon from Tricia’s Place -
www.mycrazybubble.blogspot.com/ Her prize will be a stamp set and an ink pad from CLOSE TO MY HEART! Great products and you get to try them for free!
3- Maria Levine -
http://riacreations.blogspot.com RiaCreations is offering a prize of Ippy stamps!!
In order to enter for these wonderful prizes as well as a goodie bag from Daisy Collins, you must become a FOLLOWER of each of blogs on the blog hop list as well as COMMENT on their blog hop posts. 2 random winners will be picked from each days of the blog hop! The comments are due by MARCH 30TH AT MIDNIGHT PACIFIC COAST TIME. Winners will be announced Saturday!
Now...who is ready for some fun?!? ~ Here’s the line-up:
1. Daisy Collins-
www.tsunamirosedesigns.blogspot.com Tsunami Rose Designs
2.Tricia Colon-
www.mycrazybubble.blogspot.com My Crazy Bubble
3. Hannah Perry-
www.theperrylane.blogspot.com The Perry Lane
4. SuzeJo Murphy -
http://CrimsonMoonCrafts.blogspot.com/ Crimson Moon Crafts
5. Michele ~
http://chelescrafts.blogspot.com Chele's Crafts
6. Veronica ~
http://scrapinwithmeras.blogspot.com/ Scrapin' with Meras
7. Monica -
www.scraps2treasure.blogspot.com Scraps 2 Treasure
8. Maria Levine -
http://riacreations.blogspot.com/ Ria Creations
9. Karen -
www.karenscreativeramblings.blogspot.com Karen's Creative Ramblings
10. Angela-
http://creativecraftin.blogspot.com Creative Craftin
11. carrie corbin-
http://wwwcarrie-tumblingaround.blogspot.com Carrie Tumbling Around
12. Shalana -
http://scrappinwithshalana.blogspot.com/ Scrappin With Shalana
13. Jane Stillman -
http://janesplaice.blogspot.com Janes Plaice
14. Linda Simpson -
http://lindasimpsoncraftypieceofheaven.blogspot.com Crafty Piece of Heaven
15. Kimberly -
http://scrappingrookie.blogspot.com Scrappin' Rookie
17. Martha Pineda-
http://creatingisfun.blogspot.com/ Creating is Fun
18. Christina Capps-
http://cema1cema.blogspot.com Cema 1 Cema
19. Lisa Peters -
http://handmadewithlove-lisa.blogspot.com/ Handmade with Love
20. Abbie Kay-
http://poweredbyfairydust7.blogspot.com/ Powered by Fairy Dust
Here is my version of the sketch. I really love this sketch and it was perfect for a rememberance picture of my Mom and the flowers that I got from her flower garden. The flowers are blooming right now and they sure are beautiful! I am waiting for a stamp of her favorite psalm to come so I can stamp it in the lower right hand corner.
If you enjoyed the awesome sketches and like what you saw please join us over on our
http://www.facebook.com/groups/106370486155916/ Facebook Group - where you can view others using I Love Sketches by Tsunami Rose. Don't worry about having to create a card everyday...it's a GREAT place to view others' creations to use as inspiration and of course meet some new talented crafty friends...hope to see you there!