Welcome to Erica's Craft Room
100 Cricut Cartridge Blog Hop Day Two
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Welcome to My Cricut Craft Room's one year
"BLOG-iversary" of our first 100 cartridge Blog hop!
year ago the blog was kicked off with the first design team members and daily
postings. It took 2 months to get ready for this hop last year. Now we bring it
to you the first full weekend of every month.
the design team uses over 100 different Cricut Cartridges in their projects
during the two days of this hop. Sunday the new members of the design team will
be announced and some have even made a project to share with you!! What an
exciting weekend!!
special treat enjoy 10% off of your total purchase with Erica's Craft Room
the code JULY to see 10% off of your total purchase (No exclusions)
July 7 & 8. Also on Sunday there will be an exciting announcement!!!
For my projects today I used a variety of cartridges. I used Fabulous Finds, Pixar's Cars, Hannah Montana, Celebrations, Doodle Charm, Boys will be Boys, & Mother's Day Bouquet.
I had a friend ask me if I could make luggage tags for her family because they were all going on vacation. Top get to where they were going the were going to have to ride on a plane. This is something I had never tried so I was excited to do it!
Some of the tags I used Fabulous Finds to make the tag feature. For the rest I used Celebrations Cricut cartridge for those tag features.
I used the Pixar's Cars cartridge for the peace sign. Hannah Montana cartridge for the heart, and the butterfly, music note, and guitar. I used Doodle Charm for the lady bug, and Boys will be boys for the flying bug. I used Mother's Day bouquet for the flower. On the back side of the tags I used a piece of white cardstock for the names, addresses and phone numbers. My friend then laminated the tags and I put them on a ring and clasp that I found at Michaels. Here are the pictures of all the tags:
Hope you liked my projects! Now on to your next stop:
Jessica S http://jessicascraftshaque.blogspot.com
Here is the complete line up:
Heather Lynn http://heathernovinger.blogspot.com/
Lisa Carrier http://ourcraftingcorner.blogspot.com
Miranda http://www.nanasscrapspot.com
Christina http://cema1cema.blogspot.com
Jessica S http://jessicascraftshaque.blogspot.com
Blog Candy http://ericasblogcandy.blogspot.com