If you just happened to come to this blog, you are at the beginning with Lisa Peters http://handmadewithlov
We're so excited to be doing this hop and we ...have a fabulous lineup with some very talented ladies. There will be lots of fun projects, along with some great blog candy, and a great grand prize for this hop.
The hop is a 2 day hop so you will have plenty of time to make it through the whole hop lineup twice. Check out each blog and see what blog candy you can win at the individual stops. Please come back both days to see great projects.
Here is the complete lineup:
Lisa http://handmadewithlove-l
Ashley http://theglamorousside
Jamie http://myamusinglife.blo
Cathie http://cathiescafe-scra
April http://www.curlsandgrins
Sherry B http://www.patternsbysher.bl
Anita http://www.anitaandbugs
Gina http://californiascrappin
Amy http://www.lovetocrop.com
Janet http://www.createatdream
Shawnee http://www.blessedonth
Rachelle http://www.creationsb
Amber http://pixiperfectcreati
Barbara http://barbarab3.blogs
Sherry W http://www.upordowntheyrebea
Christina http://cema1cema.blo
Linda http://lindascreativity.
Theresa http://www.thescrapboo
Vicki http://mawmawsthoughts.b
Suzanne http://cricutcraftingr
So for day 2 I decided to do another scrapbook page. Going with the Theme that I never have pictures of Thanksgiving I decided I would do one of all the great cooking! I thought I would take some pictures of preparing for dinner.
I used 4 cartridges for this scrapbook page. Forever Young, From my Kitchen, Doodle Charms, and Gypsy font. I used my gypsy, black, white, patterened, pink, & brown cardstock. My black pen, white galaxy marker, and adheisive and pop dots.
The "mom" was cut from Forever young at 5". The Apron was cut from From my Kitchen at 2 1/2". This one I had to cut a couple of times to get the size to match up with the "mom". The stove was cut from From My Kitchen at 2 1/2" (also cut a few times for sizing). The turkey was cut from Doodle Charms at 1" and it too had to be cut a couple of times to get the right sizing. "Its Turkey Time" was cut from Gypsy wanderings and welded together at about 3". After I layered the Mom's clothes and apron I put pop dots on her. I also used pop dots on the turkey to make it stand out a bit.
I really love the Forever Young cartridge, you can do so much with it! I hope you like my page!
Don't forget to be eligible for the grand prize, you must visit each blog, leave a comment and then become a follower of every participant in this hop. You also MUST visit Lisa's blog and leave a comment on Lisa's blog for the day and also become a follower at "Scrapping With Lisa" and her facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/p
Hope you are getting inspired with new ideas along the way! Thanks for stopping by! ~Christina~
On to your next stop: Linda http://lindascreativity.